Realtor Information

Realtors, wondering if Ironwedge is the right fit for your client?


The Ironwedge Board of Directors has put together some information on the community that may help you determine if Ironwedge is a good choice for your client.

There is limited Parking in Ironwedge

  • Many short driveways
  • Very limited guest parking
  • No parking on the grass
  • No parking on streets overnight (Midnight to 6 AM)
  • Vehicles belonging to Homeowners must be parked in their garages and driveways.
  • No parking on the streets during the day if space is available in garage or driveway.
  • The One-car garage should be used for BOTH parking a car and organized storage.
  • If a client has or will have 3 or more cars, Ironwedge is not ideal for that family.
  • Motorcycles are allowed in Ironwedge but must be parked in the owner’s garage at all times.

Pets in Ironwedge

  • Based on our Association Liability Insurance coverage (Bodily injury, Property Damage, Medical Expenses), the following 7 listed “Dangerous Breed Dogs” are EXCLUDED. That applies to purebred or cross bred dogs. The following dogs will NOT be allowed to reside in Ironwedge: Pit Bull type, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Husky type (including Siberian breeds), Malamute, Doberman Pincher, Chow Chow, or any Wolf Dog Hybrid.
  • Dogs obtained after moving into Ironwedge must be approved by the Association prior to acquisition.
  • Veterinarian Health Certificates are required for all dogs and cats.
  • Inside cats only. No outside cats.
  • Maximum of two dogs per unit.

Commercial Vehicles with exterior writing (except police cars) housed in Ironwedge by residents must be parked in their garage or in the driveway covered at all times.

It is recommended that each homeowner purchase an annual Termite Inspection/Protection Contract for their townhouse. A homeowner may have an Individual unit contract OR a tenting treatment of the entire building (with the cost shared equally by each homeowner in the building). An annual inspection/treatment policy should be in place for each unit.

Quarterly Association Maintenance fee payment of $1200 are due the first of January, April, July and October. There is a $25 late fee if the payment is received after the 10thof the month due.

Units are restricted to use by one family only. No renting of rooms allowed in Ironwedge homes.

Rental issues are included in the project currently underway to revise/update the Ironwedge Association Documents. They will establish a maximum number of units that can be rented at any given time and will require a new owner to live in Ironwedge for a minimum of two years before the unit can be rented.

Renters are required to follow all of the same Association Rules and Regulations and By-Laws that homeowners are required to follow.

The new owner/renter Application process can take a maximum of 30 days. The Application Process forms can be found on this website. A fee of $150 must accompany the application.

Association insurance covers the drywall out. Although not required, it is recommended that each homeowner purchases an HO6 insurance policy to protect the interior of their townhouse.