Community FAQs
What are the pet restrictions in Ironwedge?
All pets must be registered with the management company. If a homeowner gets a new pet, they must update their information and the obtain approval. This is not a community that is conducive to large animals. Dangerous breed pets are not permitted. No pure bred or cross bred dogs i.e. Pit-Bull type, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Husky type (including Siberian breeds), Malamute, Doberman Pincher, Chow-Chow or any Wolf-Dog hybrid may be kept or permitted in the subdivision or any dwelling unit..
How do I register my new dog?
The form is in the document section of this website.
Are PODs permitted?
Portable Moveable Storage Containers when moving in or out of Ironwedge, may be used after notification to the Management company. The POD must be parked in the unit’s driveway and only for a maximum of 7 days.
What rules pertain to the pool?
Normally the pool area (including the clubhouse sauna, hot tub and showers) are open daily but only to residents of Ironwedge and their guests. It is open from 6AM to 8 PM. There is camera surveillance of the pool. No smoking, glass containers, food, or alcoholic beverages are allowed in the pool area. The gates must be locked at all times.
PBC Phase II and CDC restrictions are currently in place. Many communities have not opened their pools. In order to keep our pool open, certain rules must be followed. Every resident must self-manage their time at the pool. The pool is open only to Ironwedge residents (and their families or visitors if they are with them). The sauna and restroom showers are closed. There is an outside shower. The bathrooms are open and regularly cleaned. Face covering is required around the pool area except when in the pool. No more than 10 people are allowed in the pool. If you go to the pool and there are more than 10, please come back later. Social distancing must be maintained. Pool furniture is stored. If desired, you may bring your own chair with you.
What are parking restrictions in Ironwedge?
Never park on the grass. It breaks our irrigation system and causes landscaping issues. Guest Parking is available convenient to all homes for visitors. Vehicles belonging to homeowners must be parked in their garages and driveways. There is no parking on the streets overnight (Midnight to 6 AM). Cars will be ticketed, booted and/or towed. No Commercial Vehicles are allowed overnight. All contractors visiting Ironwedge must adhere to the rules of the community.
How Do I report a Problem?
If you encounter any suspicious behavior or disturbance at our pool or anywhere in the community, please immediately call the PBC Sheriff’s Non-emergency Dispatch Office which is manned 24/7 561-699-3400.
The best way to report a problem (i.e. a downed tree, a street light not working, a broken sprinkler head, etc.) is to send an email to Grant Property Management
How can I get a coupon book to make my quarterly maintenance payments?
Coupon books are only printed once per year in December. They are only sent to registered owners on that date. It is important that you keep your mailing information up-to-date with the Management Company. If you buy a unit between printing dates, quarterly payments should be mailed to:
Ironwedge Property Owners Association, Inc.
Ironwedge POA
C/O: Grant Property Management Company
PO Box 162040
Miami, FL 33116-2040
In this section of the website accessible only to Homeowners, you can go to Payments and verify your quarterly payments made to date. In that section, there is a button to make a payment or to set up auto-pay.
I did not receive a mailbox key or my key does not work, how do I get a replacement?
If you are a new owner, you need to get the key from the previous owner. If you are a renter, you need to get the key from the owner. If there is not a mailbox key, you need to go to the Post Office to request the locks be changed. The Management Company does not have keys to the postal boxes.
How do I get a pool key?
A pool key should be provided to you by the previous owner of your unit at closing. If you do not have a key, please contact the Management Company and they will have a key made for you. There is a charge to do so.
When is the pool open and closed?
The pool is open from 6 AM to 8 PM.
What is the procedure for having a party at the pool?
All parties at the pool require that an application be made and a deposit be made to the Management Company a reasonable time before the date of the event. The application form can be downloaded at Pool Party Application 5-2017.pdf.
There are certain restrictions that apply to all parties so please be aware of them before submitting the application.
I have been told I have termites. What can be done?
Interior pest control is a homeowner maintenance issue. All homeowners should purchase an Annual Termite Protection Contract covering inspection and treatment of their unit. Working with the neighbors in your building to have one contract for the building will facilitate tenting issues if required.
There is a broken sprinkler head/pipe near my home. How do I report it?
Send an email to Grant Property Management
Does the Association lend out ladders, pressure cleaners, or other equipment?
Due to insurance restrictions, the Association cannot loan out tools or other equipment to owners.
When debris collects on the driveway to my unit, who is responsible for sweeping and cleaning it?
Normal maintenance of a driveway is the responsibility of the Unit owner, including sweeping and cleaning. Since the driveway is a common area owned by the Association, periodic pressure cleaning and painting will be done by the Association.
What do I need to communicate to my guests/contractors?
Anyone coming into Ironwedge must adhere to the same rules as residents. The most common infraction by guests/contractors is parking on the grass.
What must I know about having a motorcycle?
Motorcycles ae allowed in Ironwedge but must be parked in the owner’s garage at all times.
I want to replace my roof, what do I need to know?
You can replace your cedar roof with Enviroshake and DaVinci Shake Single Width, the color is Mountain. You must submit documents to the management company which includes a quote from your contractor and the Ironwedge Architecture Request form (which is on this website). Remember that work cannot be started until you receive Board approval which may take several weeks.
Where do I get the correct paint to paint my fence and do some touch-ups?
The paint supplier and the exact colors are on the website in the Homeowners’ documents section.
When is garbage picked up?
There is a detailed informational chart on the website under documents. Garbage is picked up on Mondays and Thursdays. Recyclables are picked up only on Mondays. Bulk trash and vegetation only on Thursdays. Do not put your trash containers out before 6 PM of the night before.
My light fixture on my garage needs to be replaced. Are there suggested replacements?
See the lighting section of the homeowner’s section under documents.
Where do I get the form to register my automobile?
It is in the Document section of this website.
What insurance does the Association carry on the buildings?
The Association carries Catastrophic Insurance and Flood Insurance on the buildings. This includes insurance on the outside of the buildings up to the drywall on the interior. Association insurance does not cover the roof for leaks, other damage or repairs that are not of a catastrophic nature (hurricanes or fire). The insurance carries a high deductible that is applied per building, not per unit.
What insurance should a Homeowner purchase?
A homeowner should have insurance that covers drywall-in. It is recommended that each homeowner purchase an HO6 insurance policy to protect the interior, roofs, fence, chimney, etc. of their townhouse. You should not have condo insurance. You own your townhouse and should have the correct insurance.

Ironwedge POA
22985 Ironwedge Dr
Boca Raton, Florida
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